关于化妆品移动设备网站开发jquery mobile运用–自适应浮动(官方首页效果解晰)
移动设备网站开发中,jquery mobile是一款优秀首选的开发程序,是由(MT)Media Temple联合多家移动设备厂商以及软件企业共同发起的的针对触屏智能 手机与平板电脑的website以及在线应用的前端开发框架。初步试探了一下,兼容市面上各种手机和平板浏览器,更被官方试用的页自适应屏目浮动效果所吸引,
This would be the sidebar/split view on a tablet,
would show up stacked on a mobile device
</div><!– end content-secondary –><divclass=”content-primary”>
This is the main content.
If Tablet device this would be to the right of the above content,
if mobile this would be below the above content.
</div><!– end content-primary –></div><!– end content –></div><!– end page –>
function setPositions(){var winwidth = $( window ).width()if( winwidth >=750){
$( window ).bind(“throttledresize”, setPositions );});
/* jqm docs css
Beware: lots of last-minute CSS going on in here
cobblers, shoes,
body { background: #dddddd; }
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p.intro strong {
color: #558e08;
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/* docs site layout */
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